Apple has launched its latest mobile device iPhone 3G, which calls for the attention to the feature missing from the original release -3G support. Well its not the only killer feature, the full GPS system in it is here to stay.But the most eye catching aspect of the iPhone 3G is its price tag of $199 and $299 which is just 1/3 of the models launched a year ago.
I would like to highlight some key features of this mobile device which may help you make the right choice...
Should you buy it?

I would like to highlight some key features of this mobile device which may help you make the right choice...
Should you buy it?

1)The Design Is Great
The phone measures a hair thicker (0.48 inches versus 0.46 inches) in the gut.It weighs 4.7 ounces.A single Home button sits just below the screen.The back of the phone is made of plastic skin with black version for 8GB models, while 16GB version in black and white.
Apple has done away with the irritating recessed headphone jack, which now is flush so that you'll be able to use any 3.5mm headphones you like. The camera lens, volume rocker, charger port, speaker, microphone, power button, and display locking switch all are perfectly placed making this gadget a success.
2)3G Speed Worldwide and the GPS features at your fingertip!
With support for 3G bands and both UMTS and HSDPA networks, the iPhone 3G is well positioned for
using high-speed networks all around the world.Email attachments and web pages load twice as fast on 3G networks as on 2G EDGE networks to be precise its almost 2.8 times faster. And since iPhone 3G seamlessly switches between EDGE, faster 3G, and even faster Wi-Fi, you always get the best speeds possible.
You can even talk and browse at the same time.But 3G technology lets you multitask in more places — without connecting via Wi-Fi. And if you’re in an area without a 3G network, iPhone connects you via GSM for calls and EDGE for data.the iPhone 3G uses Assisted GPS supplemented by satellites. It also offers live tracking so you can monitor your progress as you drive (or walk) along. iPhone 3G delivers UMTS, HSDPA, GSM, Wi-Fi, EDGE, GPS, and Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR in one compact device — using only two antennas.
3)Excellent Multi-touch controls
With its large Multi-Touch display and innovative software, iPhone lets you control everything using only your fingers. Type using the predictive keyboard, glide through albums with Cover Flow, scroll through photos with a flick, or zoom in and out on a section of a web page — all courtesy of Multi-Touch.
4)Accelerometer Motion Detector
iPhone responds to motion using a built-in accelerometer. When you rotate iPhone from portrait to landscape, the accelerometer detects the movement and changes the display accordingly. So you immediately see the entire width of a web page, view a photo in its proper aspect ratio, or control a game using only your movements.
5)Third-Party Apps And Softwares Are Plenty.
the iPhone 3G will indeed support the collection of apps available through the iPhone SDK(Software Developer's Kit). Gaming apps should feature prominently, many will integrate with the phone's accelerometer.Some other
special features are :
6)Extra long Battery Life
Even though the inclusion of 3G in iphone has not affected its battery life.The iPhone 3G promises a solid 5 hours of 3G talk time, 10 hours of 2G talk time, 5 hours of 3G Internet time, 6 hours of Wi-Fi Internet time, 7 hours of video playback, 24 hours of audio playback, and 12.5 days standby time.
What else ?
Since the latest iPhone will support the 2.0 software, additional new features will show up at launch , including contacts search, iWork document support, the capability to view PowerPoint attachments, bulk move and delete, a scientific calculator in landscape mode, parental controls, and support for 16 languages.iPhone
also has a multilingual keyboard and a removable SIM card.
But on the downside , iPhone 2.0 still has a 2 megapixels, which is why they have been able to lower dow their price tag for the competitive market.
Only If iPhone Had These Features Included...
You will not get multimedia messaging along with voice dialing and video recording.Even no I still don't understand why Apple can't include these basic features.
I am also hoping for a landscape keyboard and the capability to cut and paste.As far as I can see ,there is no wireless sync of iPhone with an iTunes in a computer.
Phone And Internet Service Providers
Purchasers will still need to sign a two-year contract with AT&T to use the phone. And the price for a basic plan increases by $10 for 3G usage (that is, $30 a month for unlimited data, with voice plans starting at $39.99 a month). Unlimited 3G data plans for business users will be available for $45 a month.

The Final Say...
The addition of 3G and GPS, the affordable price tag of $199 for 8GB and $299 for 16GB versions, and extra features from the iPhone 2.0 software update make the iPhone 3G a worthy prospect. So , if you are an iPhone fringe-watcher now's the time.
written by Avipar\\
Technorati Tags: Mac OS X Ticks, Macintosh OS X Tools,MacOs X leopard,MacOs X Terminal,OS X Tools , Macintosh OS, MacOs X 10.5, MacOS X Software, MacOS X Hints, Free MacOS X, OSX Desktop, Macintosh consulting, MacOS X Apps, Leopard Tricks, OS X Leopard, iPhone 3G, Apple iPhone 2.0, GPS, Multi-touch controls, Accelerometer, iPhonne SDk, iWork
The phone measures a hair thicker (0.48 inches versus 0.46 inches) in the gut.It weighs 4.7 ounces.A single Home button sits just below the screen.The back of the phone is made of plastic skin with black version for 8GB models, while 16GB version in black and white.
Apple has done away with the irritating recessed headphone jack, which now is flush so that you'll be able to use any 3.5mm headphones you like. The camera lens, volume rocker, charger port, speaker, microphone, power button, and display locking switch all are perfectly placed making this gadget a success.
2)3G Speed Worldwide and the GPS features at your fingertip!
With support for 3G bands and both UMTS and HSDPA networks, the iPhone 3G is well positioned for

You can even talk and browse at the same time.But 3G technology lets you multitask in more places — without connecting via Wi-Fi. And if you’re in an area without a 3G network, iPhone connects you via GSM for calls and EDGE for data.the iPhone 3G uses Assisted GPS supplemented by satellites. It also offers live tracking so you can monitor your progress as you drive (or walk) along. iPhone 3G delivers UMTS, HSDPA, GSM, Wi-Fi, EDGE, GPS, and Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR in one compact device — using only two antennas.
3)Excellent Multi-touch controls
With its large Multi-Touch display and innovative software, iPhone lets you control everything using only your fingers. Type using the predictive keyboard, glide through albums with Cover Flow, scroll through photos with a flick, or zoom in and out on a section of a web page — all courtesy of Multi-Touch.

iPhone responds to motion using a built-in accelerometer. When you rotate iPhone from portrait to landscape, the accelerometer detects the movement and changes the display accordingly. So you immediately see the entire width of a web page, view a photo in its proper aspect ratio, or control a game using only your movements.
5)Third-Party Apps And Softwares Are Plenty.
the iPhone 3G will indeed support the collection of apps available through the iPhone SDK(Software Developer's Kit). Gaming apps should feature prominently, many will integrate with the phone's accelerometer.Some other
Better Email Management
Contacts Search
Email Attachment Support
Scientific Calculator
MobileMe Support
6)Extra long Battery Life
Even though the inclusion of 3G in iphone has not affected its battery life.The iPhone 3G promises a solid 5 hours of 3G talk time, 10 hours of 2G talk time, 5 hours of 3G Internet time, 6 hours of Wi-Fi Internet time, 7 hours of video playback, 24 hours of audio playback, and 12.5 days standby time.
What else ?
Since the latest iPhone will support the 2.0 software, additional new features will show up at launch , including contacts search, iWork document support, the capability to view PowerPoint attachments, bulk move and delete, a scientific calculator in landscape mode, parental controls, and support for 16 languages.iPhone
also has a multilingual keyboard and a removable SIM card.
But on the downside , iPhone 2.0 still has a 2 megapixels, which is why they have been able to lower dow their price tag for the competitive market.
Only If iPhone Had These Features Included...
You will not get multimedia messaging along with voice dialing and video recording.Even no I still don't understand why Apple can't include these basic features.
I am also hoping for a landscape keyboard and the capability to cut and paste.As far as I can see ,there is no wireless sync of iPhone with an iTunes in a computer.
Phone And Internet Service Providers
Purchasers will still need to sign a two-year contract with AT&T to use the phone. And the price for a basic plan increases by $10 for 3G usage (that is, $30 a month for unlimited data, with voice plans starting at $39.99 a month). Unlimited 3G data plans for business users will be available for $45 a month.

The Final Say...
The addition of 3G and GPS, the affordable price tag of $199 for 8GB and $299 for 16GB versions, and extra features from the iPhone 2.0 software update make the iPhone 3G a worthy prospect. So , if you are an iPhone fringe-watcher now's the time.
written by Avipar\\
Technorati Tags: Mac OS X Ticks, Macintosh OS X Tools,MacOs X leopard,MacOs X Terminal,OS X Tools , Macintosh OS, MacOs X 10.5, MacOS X Software, MacOS X Hints, Free MacOS X, OSX Desktop, Macintosh consulting, MacOS X Apps, Leopard Tricks, OS X Leopard, iPhone 3G, Apple iPhone 2.0, GPS, Multi-touch controls, Accelerometer, iPhonne SDk, iWork
Most probably there is no video recording because the built-in camera is too crappy and cheap to do recording. Otherwise don't you think there would be a 3rd party app to do this?
Shame on you Apple for keeping the camera the same. This camera was used over 6 years ago by other companies like Samsung.
Oh well the rest of it RoX.
Yes, you are right ramshankar.
Apple has missed out an important feature here ,the camera.
The in-built 2 megapixel is not the norm today.But thats why Aplle has been able to cut down the price.
A 5megapixel camera would hav costed a lot. And by the iPhone SDK feature new 3rd party app for video recording will be launced soon.
things that this phone lacks are video recording....
2.still same 2 mp camera.... fm......
4.bluetooth in it doesnt connect to any other phone except iphones..... games in it....
6.lot more sensitive than any other cellphone.....
7.the phone might die within minimum of 3 falls....
8.its going to be very common everywhere....
and all i wanted was sumthin quite differnt and unique.... =/
-Who else can give all thse for $199, let there be even 1.3mp I don't mind
-And by the iPhone SDK feature new 3rd party app for video recording will be launced soon. So.. no worries.
-With 8GB internal memory.. do u stil need fm. Go, get it for INR 20.
-You have Wi-Fi. Do u still need Blurtooth. Seems as if ppl strt asking for IR again..
-I guess Games can be played. Not sure.
-One should be thankful for it's sensitiveness. Wanna get a non sensitive phone..? Go get a worse china piece wer u come out with a crowbar as a touch stick.
-Yeah.. for sure r the chances tht it dies for 3 falls.
-It is going to be. And this what the tech revolution is. You should have bought it a yr ago, to stand unique with a $499 price tag. :D
- Thtz all for fun mate..!! But the issues are serious not my writing style ;) And well, you posted in anonymous. haha.. :D
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